Intercessory Prayer Circle

This is mostly unseen but vital part of our pastoral care ministry.
Our purpose is emergency prayer for parishioners, neighbours, our nation, and for worldwide concerns.
Request for prayers are received for "all sorts of reasons and conditions," and are confidentially passed on by Reverend Shirley to each member of the prayer circle.
The form and style of prayer is determined by the individual prayer circle member.
If you would like intercessory prayer please email you request to [email protected] or
phone the Parish Office on 03 5282 6487
Our purpose is emergency prayer for parishioners, neighbours, our nation, and for worldwide concerns.
Request for prayers are received for "all sorts of reasons and conditions," and are confidentially passed on by Reverend Shirley to each member of the prayer circle.
The form and style of prayer is determined by the individual prayer circle member.
If you would like intercessory prayer please email you request to [email protected] or
phone the Parish Office on 03 5282 6487
Pastoral Care Team

The Christian faith is a communal faith. We flourish and grow deeper as we travel together in Christ. The Pastoral Care Team aim to provide coordinated caring support for ourselves and those in need.
If you need a visit by one of the Pastoral Team please ring 03 5282 6487
If you need a visit by one of the Pastoral Team please ring 03 5282 6487
Parishioner Roll Details
If you would like to be included on the Parish Roll and if you have not already done so could you please download the form form this website fill out your details and return them as soon as possible.
Please note this is not the Parish Electoral Roll. |